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HPE JG495AAE softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding opwaarderen 1 licentie(s) Electronic License Delivery (ELD)

HP IMC Remote Site Manager Software Module with E-LTU € 777,62 incl. btw € 642,66 excl. btw HP


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HP - HPE JG495AAE softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding opwaarderen 1 licentie(s) Electronic License Delivery (ELD)
Categorie Softwarelicenties & -uitbreidingen
Voorraad 0
Levertijdsindicatie Neem contact op met afdeling sales




HPE JG495AAE. Aantal licenties: 1 licentie(s), Licentietype: opwaarderen, Softwaretype: Electronic License Delivery (ELD)

The HP IMC Remote Site Manager (RSM) Software is an HP Intelligent Management Center (IMC) module that interacts with the hardware platform to deliver centralized management for branch networks regardless of their physical locations, presence of firewalls and Network Address Translations (NAT) devices.

In this model, IMC is deployed at the corporate headquarters and the IMC Remote Site Manager Software is deployed at branch networks, reducing the need for branch devices to support special protocols. IMC and IMC RSM communicate via either HTTP or HTTPS for higher security in your transmissions.

Garantie: e: Not applicable;Electronic and telephone support: limited electronic and telephone support is available from HP refer to /networking/support for details on the support provided and the period during which support is available;Software releases: refer to /networking/support for details on the software releases provided and the period during which software releases are available for your product(s)

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