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Nvidia 711-DWS022+P2CMR17 softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding 1 licentie(s) Hernieuwing 17 maand(en)

Quadro Virtual Data Center Workstation License, Subscription Renewal, 1 Concurrent User, 17M € 466,09 incl. btw € 385,20 excl. btw Nvidia


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Nvidia - Nvidia 711-DWS022+P2CMR17 softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding 1 licentie(s) Hernieuwing 17 maand(en)
Categorie Softwarelicenties & -uitbreidingen
Voorraad 0
Levertijdsindicatie Neem contact op met afdeling sales


Nvidia 711-DWS022+P2CMR17. Aantal licenties: 1 licentie(s), Licentie termijn (maanden): 17 maand(en), Softwaretype: Hernieuwing

App Streaming, Elevated
NVIDIA Virtual Apps software delivers an amazing user experience for the digital workplace, so teams can use their apps virtually without losing performance or productivity. With GPU sharing, multiple VMs serving as VDAs can be powered by a single data center GPU to maximize utilization and affordability. With support for all major hypervisor virtualization platforms, vApps enables data center admins can use the same management tools for their GPU-accelerated servers as they do for the rest of their data center.

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