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Cisco GLC-GE-100FX= netwerk transceiver module Vezel-optiek 1000 Mbit/s SFP 1310 nm

100BASE-FX SFP transceiver module for Gigabit Ethernet ports, 1310nm wavelength, 2km over MMF € 261,98 incl. btw € 216,51 excl. btw Cisco


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Cisco - Cisco GLC-GE-100FX= netwerk transceiver module Vezel-optiek 1000 Mbit/s SFP 1310 nm
Categorie Netwerk media converters
Voorraad 70
Levertijdsindicatie 2 dagen




Cisco GLC-GE-100FX=. SFP transceiver type: Vezel-optiek, Maximale overdrachtssnelheid van gegevens: 1000 Mbit/s, Soort aansluiting: SFP. Stroomverbruik (typisch): 1,5 W

The Cisco® 100BASE-X Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) device (Figure 1) is a hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into Fast Ethernet ports, dual-rate Fast/Gigabit Ethernet ports, or Gigabit Ethernet ports of a Cisco switch or router, linking the port with the fiber cabling network.

Main features include the following:

- Hot-swappable when deployed, the switch or router does not have to reboot
- Supports the “pay-as-you-populate” model
- Interchangeable with other 100BASE-X SFPs on the same line card
- Supports the Cisco quality ID feature that enables the switch or router to identify whether or not the SFP is a Cisco qualified SFP
- Optically interoperable with respective 100BASE-X Ethernet interfaces on the same link

Cisco 100BASE-FX SFP

The Cisco 100BASE-FX SFP operates on ordinary multimode fiber-optic (MMF) link spans up to 2 kilometers (km) long.

GLC-FE-100FX modules operate in Fast Ethernet or dual-rate Fast/Gigabit Ethernet ports of Cisco switches and routers.

GLC-FE-100FX-RGD modules operate in Fast Ethernet or dual-rate Fast/Gigabit Ethernet ports of Cisco Industrial Ethernet and SmartGrid switches and routers.

GLC-GE-100FX modules operate in Gigabit Ethernet ports of Cisco switches and routers.

All these modules are interoperable with industrywide interfaces compliant to the IEEE 100BASE-FX standard.

Garantie: 5 Year

Alle prijzen zijn excl. btw tenzij anders vermeld